On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 12:05:24PM +0200, Bogdan Butnaru wrote:
> Note that popularity _of the torrent_ was not the originally-proposed
> criterion. Instead the popularity _of the compilation_ was cited.
> (Although, a torrent compilation that has tens of thousands of
> downloads might be considered "useful for our users".)

Rolling Stone Magazine torrents:

Yes, "disc 1" of 5, presumably, since there is a top-500 list from
Rolling Stone. There are probably 4 other torrents running around
to complete that list.

Ah and we should also have this one:

It's a different "release" in that it has all 500 in one torrent...
(a "fivefer"?)

Rolling Stone almost certainly outsells Billboard, ie, is "more popular".

Of course, I don't think this should be in Musicbrainz either, but once
the floodgates are opened...

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