On Tue, 01 Aug 2006 15:55:21 +0200, Aaron Cooper wrote:

The topic is "Torrents as Releases", but I don't know if that was the
direction I would have taken this.  Sure, there is a torrent for the
top 100 Billboard songs for 195x, but isn't that just a side effect of
the actual Billboard list being so popular?  What is important is that
the Billboard lists would exist without torrents and there is a
possibility that someone would want to tag against this information.
I think throwing in "torrents" unfairly risks the chance of the
Billboard lists being approved.

I do think that discussing torrents is a good idea, and will likely
become a hot topic, but perhaps we should discuss the Billboard lists

Oh, I think I might have misunderstood what we are debating.

Does this mean that in fact Billboard's Top whatever is nothing but a *playlist*. Because this playist is so popular, people created torrents with the music on the playlist.

IIUC this playlist is double-pirated.
 a) the music is illegally distributed.
 b) the playlist is copyrighted.

Well, b might be a stop-gap argument. I think Robert should ask his lawyer when he'S back from OSCON. I guess Billboard could send MusicBrainz a DMCA cease and desist request anytime, and MB would have to take all the copyrighted Billboard 'releases' down. However, IANAL.

a) was never of any concern to MB and should not be now, but what concerns me, is that it seems these 'things' are primarily *plalists* and only secondarly *releases* which compile all the songs of the playlist. If this is the case, then maybe MB is the wrong place to store this information. This is more something for a global playlist project.

Or am I again misunderstanding something?


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