Kerensky97 wrote:
And I agree with Gecks that that disclamier might be a little more than is
needed; hopefully people realize that as a transl(iter)ation it should be
identical to the other release just with different words in the tracks and

I don't think that's what Gecks meant. He said it should not only be allowed 
for identical tracklistings (apart from transl(iter)ation), but also for 
tracklistings with bonus tracks or another track order.
Here we have to be careful. How will NGS use this relationship and how will it 
use remaster relationships? Well, when we run the initial conversion to a new 
schema, it will observe relationships such as remaster and automatically create 
a release group in which it puts both. Apart from that, the relationships and 
releases stay untouched.
When it encounters a transl-AR, it should check the release status: if both are official, 
put them in one release group and leave them as they are. If one is virtual/alternate/... 
and the other official, and the relationship points in the right direction (else someone 
made a mistake :)), then merge the virtual one into the official one and append the 
tracklisting as alternate titles. So if we allow this AR to be used for tracklistings 
which are different in the track order or have bonus tracks, then only for linking two 
official releases. A "virtual" release which is not about the exact same tracks 
should never be linked to an official release, because that can create wrong merging 
results when transforming the data to NGS!
You might say, why should someone create a virtual release with a different 
track order? Well that perhaps not but consider this case:
There's album A with 10 tracks and there's album B with 13 tracks which is just another 
edition of A with bonus tracks. Now you can have a transliteration A* of A and a 
transliteration B* of B. Imagine we just have A and B* in the database (because noone 
could find the original tracklisting of B yet but only a transliteration). Someone might 
think: oh, it's surely ok to create a relationship "A is the original 
language/script track listing of B*", one is official, one is virtual, they are 
almost about the same tracks, can't be bad. But that would be a big mistake.
So I think a disclaimer for that case is needed.

Simon (Shepard)

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