On 13-Feb-08, at 7:36 AM, Chris B wrote:
back to the proposal: i would say that we should allow all box sets to
be added even if they are a subset of a larger box, UNLESS that box is
just a box containing other, existing, boxes (bear with me) - in which
case that's basically the same logic we apply to boxes that contain
separately available items.

- if the 180 set is a meta-package of 10x 10 disc volumes (with the
same order), which are also available separately, then add them
separately. if all the discs are available separately, then add no box

I wish we could just add box sets. We're never going to have the worst case scenario where every box set ever was added. But if they were, someone must have *REALLY* wanted to add them considering all the work that would have had to gone into entering correct track titles for 180 CDs!

How about we not worry about the duplication caused by box sets? People who own individual CDs don't want box set release titles and people who own box sets don't want individual release titles messing up their box sets. Why don't we just let people add both? It's not like they'd cause any harm. There are already bazillions of releases under each composer.

Can anyone think of a reason why we shouldn't allow both box sets and individual discs?


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