* Evigheden <god_empe...@interia.pl> [20-07-2009 13:58 EEST]:
> >    Pavel Fedyakov pisze:
> > 
> >  Yes.  Ampersand isn't used in traditional Russian typography.  But
> >  I personally dislike the usage of comma before it.  In Russian,
> >  comma is never used before the only "and" in enumeration.
>    And in Polish. Ampersand doesn't exist in Polish (similar to for
>    example letter "v"),  but I think technically it can be used.
>    However comma before "and" is completely unthinkable. I didn't
>    follow whole discussion, but even in English I don't really
>    understand why you want comma before "&"?

I don't recall seeing commas before '&'s in English texts. Searching the
'net, I see lots of references that state "do not use a comma before an
ampersand", but there are just as many that say to use them. 

It looks very strange to have "Parts 1, 2, & 3", whereas to my eyes
"Parts 1, 2, and 3" or even "Parts 1, 2 and 3" look normal. 

Personally, I'd prefer that there was not a comma before ampersands.

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