Edward J. Shornock pisze:
* Evigheden <god_empe...@interia.pl> [20-07-2009 13:58 EEST]:
   Pavel Fedyakov pisze:

 Yes.  Ampersand isn't used in traditional Russian typography.  But
 I personally dislike the usage of comma before it.  In Russian,
 comma is never used before the only "and" in enumeration.
   And in Polish. Ampersand doesn't exist in Polish (similar to for
   example letter "v"),  but I think technically it can be used.
   However comma before "and" is completely unthinkable. I didn't
   follow whole discussion, but even in English I don't really
   understand why you want comma before "&"?

I don't recall seeing commas before '&'s in English texts. Searching the
'net, I see lots of references that state "do not use a comma before an
ampersand", but there are just as many that say to use them. 

It looks very strange to have "Parts 1, 2, & 3", whereas to my eyes
"Parts 1, 2, and 3" or even "Parts 1, 2 and 3" look normal. 

Personally, I'd prefer that there was not a comma before ampersands.

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I don't know how is it in English, but in Poland there is a law about Polish language and the special council (members are mainly best linguists and professors from physics, medicine, law, logic, etc.), which regulate the all rules about spelling, punctuation, etc. in every aspect of language (also how to use dash in chemical formulas). General rules are included in nearly every orthographic dictionary and it's like any other law - all official documents ought to follow them and in most cases if someone break them it is simply treated as a mistake. Probably in English (British? American?) there is also some set of official rules, so before making the attempt to develop position about punctuation in MusicBrainz it would be wise to find some documents similar to Polish dictionary and check, because - I can say it as a student of linguistics - common point of view can be really misleading.
Zaufalo nam ponad 700 000 Polakow. Dolacz do AXA OFE.
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