2010-04-11 23:01, Brian Schweitzer skrev:
>      >     I know, I should have phrased the question differently. How
>     about this:
>      >     When are we dealing with "plain" conductor (not guest, not
>     chief)? You
>      >     could argue that if you're not employed (as chiefconductor),
>     then you're
>      >     a guest conductor?
>      >
>      >     /symphonick
>      >
>      >
>      > No, because they cuold also be just a 'conductor'; 'chief' (aka
>      > 'principal' ) is a title.  A conductor emeritus is neither guest nor
>      > principal, and none of these - a cohabitating conductor-in-residence,
>      > and secondary/tertiary conductors for an opera (or large work,
>     such as
>      > the 1812 overture, which can have 2+ conductors) - would be guest,
>      > principal, or emeritus.  The person's title can also just be (and
>      > frequently is) 'conductor'.
>      >
>      > Brian
>      >
>     Heavy stuff :-( Just to clarify, this was regarding artist-artist ARs.
>     Let's see if we can sorten this out, I'm still somewhat lost...
>     Foo is/was conductor for group A
>     Boo is/was chiefconductor for group B
>     Moo is/was guestconductor for group M
>     artist-artist, has nothing to do with who conducted what on a specific
>     release. As I understand: "what is/was this artist position in that
>     group"
>     Foo conducted Track 1
>     Goo guest-conducted Track 2
>     This is what we have for artist-track (& I don't approve of GC-track
>     unless "Guest" is written in the credits on the release - and so far I
>     haven't seen it done - anyone?)
> Just to clarify,
> Going down the possibilities, in order from a brand new conductor to one
> who's at/past retirement,
> (artist-artist)
> Foo is/was an assistant conductor for Bar
> Foo is/was an associate conductor for Bar
> Foo is/was a conductor for Bar
> Foo is/was a principal conductor for Bar
> Foo is/was a conductor emeritus for Bar
> ----
> Foo is/was an assistant {{instrument}} conductor for Bar
> Foo is/was an ssociate {{instrument}} conductor for Bar
> Foo is/was a {{instrument}} conductor for Bar
> The other two potential attribute combinations wouldn't make sense, but
> would be:
> Foo is/was a principal {{instrument}}  conductor for Bar
> Foo is/was a {{instrument}} conductor emeritus for Bar
> At the moment, I have no 'guest' attribute on the artist-artist AR, as
> that seems a function of the recording, not a position with another
> group.  (And 'principal' is I think clearer than 'chief'.)
> Some groups may not have more than a single conductor - so assistant,
> associate, and principal would get skipped; it's more when you get to
> the really large and well known orchestras, or opera companies, that
> those become important.  The same for 'emeritus' - it's primarily an
> honorary title in most cases, and again, that seems to be the case for
> larger orchestras/etc - for smaller orchestras, they typically just
> retire entirely, rather than still holding an honorary title.

associate I'm not familiar with?
assistant - maybe you're technically a assistant to another conductor, 
right? For example Barenboim - Dudamel if I recall correctly.

"instrument" conductor? Principal [instrument] I understand...

> (artist-track/release)
> Foo additionally conducted track/release
> Foo conducted track/release
> (plus the instrument, vocal, and orchestra combinations of the above.)
eh? combinations?

> At the moment,
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Conductor_Relationship_Type_Proposal 
> doesn't
> include guest (see my comment on that elsewhere, a few days ago.)  So
> you would also add 'guest' as an attribute of the artist-track/release
> AR (I'd agree), or also of the artist-artist AR (as you say, that sounds
> confusing).

Well, it's a commonly used title, I think. Regardning artist-artist. And 
it leads to confusion, as you have already witnessed. Thinking about 
guest artist-track, I'm not sure you can guest conduct a symphony 
really. You are a guest to the orchestra, not to the recording? Or 
that's how I'd like the guest attribute to work in general, I suppose. :-)


> Thanks,
> Brian
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