On Tue, 2010-11-30 at 04:30 +0100, Nicolás Tamargo de Eguren wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Nikki <aei...@gmail.com> wrote:

>         Right now, we have a track-track karaoke version relationship
>         for them.
>         In NGS, the relationship is kept between the recordings, and
>         both
>         recordings are linked to the same work.
>         Maybe it would work... I have absolutely no experience with
>         hip hop
>         though. :)
> Hmm, would work. It would need renaming to "X is an instrumental
> version of Y", but would work. Maybe "X is [an a cappella / an
> instrumental / a karaoke] version of Y" could be made to encompass it
> all? I'm putting "karaoke" by itself because I suspect they are
> credited as such and might be nice to have them like that. Are there
> karaoke versions which do have vocals, but mixed down so they are just
> like background for helping you sing? I'd swear I saw that somewhere,
> but maybe it was in some movie and they don't actually exist. If they
> do, maybe "X is [an a cappella / an instrumental] [karaoke] version of
> Y" could be used instead. Can this be done?

I know I've seen credits for karaoke versions with 'guide vocals' -
http://www.ivesound.jp/karaoke/index.html lists a couple of those. (Look
for "ガイドボーカル付き")
As far as I know these haven't been released directly to consumers, they
are only available to karaoke companies.

Far more common are 'karaoke' versions of songs where the primary
vocalist is removed, but chorus and background vocals are left in.

> All this is a (quite nice) way to solve a problem that I didn't
> realize we had before, which leaves the two original problems still
> standing. What do we do with remixes where the whole music changes
> keeping only the vocals, or where extra vocals by someone else are
> added? Maybe we could have them as separate works, with separate
> producing / lyrics credits, linked to the original work with an AR?
>         Nikki

Calvin Walton <calvin.wal...@gmail.com>

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