Hi all!

Currently I'm working on MPD visualization stuff.
Yes, I've found shank's opinion here
and I can agree with him
"People mainly just want to listen to music, I don't think people really
care about visualizations once they loose their fixation w/ a music player
and get back to just listening to music and doing work."

But I'm doing it just for fun, so nobody stops me :)

Here is a small demonstration video

How it works...
MPD has an additional output (I've called it "udpfeed" output). udpfeed just
throw current "playChunk" via UDP to anyone who wants.
And I wrote simple visualization screen in ncmpc project, so we can see
scope of current "playChunk".

Of course, there is a lot of tasks to do, and this is not the final version,
but I'd like to share my sources with your git and join to dev team.

So what do you think?
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