On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Max Kellermann <m...@duempel.org> wrote:
> On 2009/01/10 23:57, Vasily Stepanov <vasily.stepa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Currently I'm working on MPD visualization stuff.
> Hi Vasily,
> here's a rough review of the "udpfeed" plugin (commit f0fd78a911d6).
> First: I like your coding style, you're using inline functions a lot.
> You're writing a lot of source code comments.  However don't use
> CamelCase for new code, we're trying to get rid of it (probably you
> have copy'n'pasted the names from other output plugins).

Great :)
About CamelCase... do you have any code formatting standards?
May be in your wiki... I didn't found them, so of course
I was trying to copypaste existing functions names and variables.

> I'd like to see better patch descriptions.  "udpfeed_plugin.c added"
> just doesn't seem enough - what kind of plugin is it?  What does it
> do?

Ok, I'll try to use more complex descriptions.

> I can't find documentation about the protocol you were implementing.
> Looks like you designed a brand new protocol for MPD.

First of all I'd like to implement some stable protocol, and only then
I'll write words about how it works.

> As long as your patches are not submitted, you may fold corrections
> into the first patch.  e.g. the GLib conversion patch may just be
> folded into the first patch.

Yes, if it possible, I'd like to use git.musicpd.org repository
to develop my plugin, so there would be some more pushes before
final submit.

> Some comments about implementation details:
> >          bool udpserver_kill;
> That should be volatile, otherwise gcc may play optimization tricks
> with you.

I've heard about that and of course forgot it :)

> > size_t udpfeed_client_size = sizeof(udpfeed_client);
> This variable is initialized only once, but used several times.  This
> breaks if a IPv4 client is first used, and then another client using
> IPv6.

My mistake!

> >                       g_mutex_lock(ufd->playChunkMutex);
> [...]
> >                                        if (sendto(ufd->sock, ufd->buf.data, 
> > ufd->buf.offset, MSG_DONTWAIT, &udpfeed_client, udpfeed_client_size) == -1) 
> > {
> [...]
> >                       g_mutex_unlock(ufd->playChunkMutex);
> Don't call blocking functions while holding a mutex!

I use MSG_DONTWAIT, about what kind of blocks are you talking about?
May be about very slow sendto()?
So here I will have to use some local buf.data and lock mutex
while memcpy() from ufd->buf.data to local buf.data... is it good at all? :)
I've never saw this before.

> > * I will wait for incoming connection just one second
> [...]
> > * And if there is no incoming data I will check kill state
> I don't like fixed sleep times.  poll() for an event with unlimited
> timeout, and let the kernel wake you up.

Sorry, but how should I cancel UDP server thread in this case?
For example when the main program terminates...
In pthreads API there was a cancel function,
but in glibc I didn't found it.

> > new_addrinfo(const char *service, const struct addrinfo *hints, struct 
> > addrinfo **res)
> > free_addrinfo(struct addrinfo **res)
> > new_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol, int *sock)
> > free_socket(int *sock)
> Why so many wrapper functions?

I think that error log messages should be somewhere far away from the code flow.
I just forgot to make my functions inlined.

> Why are you using getaddrinfo(), anyway?  Looks like a complicated way
> to obtain INADDR_ANY.

I thought that getaddrinfo() is a new-way-main-stream-cool-function
and everybody should use it instead of anything else. This is not true?

> I also don't like the protocol you designed.  It allows only one
> single client, and requires the client to request each chunk.  If a
> client doesn't send the "PCM" request quickly enough, chunks are lost.

Why only one client? It works with more than one client :)
(I'm not talking about millions, but more than one)

Yes we can lose some chunks, and if a client will be impatient,
it will receive same chunks more than once. So what?
This is not an audio-streaming server, if you want an audio stream
you can use shout plugin. In visualization tasks I don't worry about
missed chunks,
I will lose some, but who will see it? And don't forgot about UDP lacks at all.

> Also your protocol isn't byte order safe.

Yes, it is true, I will fix it.

> My idea: introduce a new MPD command "udpfeed".  A MPD client would
> send:
>  "udpfeed 6543"
> MPD would then send all PCM chunks to this client on port 6543 for,
> say, 60 seconds, after which the client has to refresh the
> subscription.  Any number of clients can be subscribed at a time.
> The same code could be used to send PCM data to a multicast
> destination.
> Another huge advantage: we could do that without threading and without
> polling and without buffering!
> Of course, we'd have to make sure that we get the byte order thing
> right.  We need to define (and document) a proper packet header with a
> well-defined byte order.

Looks like you want to create and audio-udp-stream integral output! :)

Any way it is an interesting idea to use new command,
but firstly I'd like to finish what I've started... and then to look round :)

I feel nothing bad with missed chunks,
but life without threads and polls looks cool! :)

> Your code looks very interesting altogether!  Doesn't solve any of my
> own problems, but it's a nice hack ;)

Thanks :)


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