
i'd like to add support for embedded cuesheets to mpd.

There are two different things to consider:

First sometimes cuesheets are embedded as comments.
One would need to parse those and so on in order to deal with it.

Second is that libflac offers embedded cuesheet in a ready to use way.
It's an internal structure which doesn't depend on the comments but can
be easily manipulated with libflac functions/objects.

I'd like to do it the second way because it's easier and building the
cuesheet index for a flac file is very easy using
metaflac --import-cuesheet-from=file
The commented cue sheet could be used for getting the artist/title/etc.
but that's not what i want to do for now.

Libflac returns a struct with (basically) track number and offset.
My idea would be to write a function which checks if there is another
track and if there is return the offset.

I already wrote some basic code to get in touch with libflac(++).
My main problem though is that i'm somehow overwhelmed by the mpd
source. I can't figure out what mpd does to step to the next/previous track.

If someone could give me some hints on where
(files/functions/structures) to look at i'd be really grateful.

Thanks in advance and regards,


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