On 2009/02/28 15:29, Jochen Keil <jochen.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently i'm working on the scan_directory() method you proposed in one
> of your first emails. This isn't to hard to do now and we'll get rid of
> several include dependencies.
> Do you know of a better way/have a better idea for enumerating the
> subtracks instead of "track_xxx.flac" like i did atm?

No, although I'd probably just call it "1", "2", ... without any

> > MPD core sources should not include decoder specific headers.  But now
> > I understand what you meant with "input_flac" on IRC - it'll eliminate
> > this dependency.
> Would it be better if i did something like this:
> stat() the pathname
> on NULL: go one level below
> stat() again
> until we're either root or have a file.
> (haven't tried it yet, maybe i'm wrong on this but after a quick look in
> input_file.c i think this might work as well)

For now, we could say: those "virtual" sub-songs can only be one level
above the main song (which is enough for supporting CUE).  So if the
file cannot be found, try its parent.  If that's a file, handled by a
decoder plugin which can handle sub-songs, call method "sub_decode()"
(instead of file_decode()?).  Just an idea.

> This should be no problem with the scan_directory api extension.
> Though i now have to include tag.h, song.h, songvec.h and dirvec.h to
> flac_plugin.c. Is this ok?

Doesn't sound perfect yet, but good enough for now.

> The general approach of scan_directory could be used for the archive
> plugin as well i think..

Yes, why not.  update.c is full of code which shouldn't be there...

> 3) Write an parser on your own.
> Here you can find the complete spec: http://digitalx.org/cuesheetsyntax.php
> As you can see (and also from cuetools/cdrecord) this ain't an easy
> thing to do.

Doesn't look too hard, does it?  If we write a good library, others
might adopt it in the future...  that'll be the first CUE library with
a decent API then.

> As a conclusion for the cue parser/plugin:
> Writing a parser ourselves would be the best option but also the
> hardest. I tend to like the cuetools approach best because the specs
> didn't change and cuetools seem to be usable in an easy way. What i
> don't like though is having a tmp file..

Maybe we can fork the cuetools library?


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