Hello Max,

Max Kellermann wrote:
> I suggest we just add some "container supporting function" to the
> decoder API; if we feel it should be a separate API, we can split it
> at any time.

After "playing" (or fooling) around with mpds code i came to these
results and questions:

I was able to add "sub-songs" into a virtual directory for each embedded
track by modifying update.c.
Problem #1: The decoder makes use of the input_plugin->read method to
get the "real" filename which in my case is a virtual file in a virtual
directory which obviously doesn't work.
Unfortunately i couldn't figure out how to solve this in a gentle way (i
was thinking about the tag_dup method but i guess that would be rather
Problem #2: I need to seek within the flac file to a certain offset to
decode the "next" track. I have to admit that even after studying the
code for a while now i still lack the understanding of how i could do this.

Another way would be to list the single tracks without the virtual
directory but instead with different tag structs.
This initially worked, i've been able to add several tracks but then i
had to realize that instead of having different tags they all had the
same tag struct. I guess this is due to songvec sorting by path or so
which leads to every file getting updated with the same tag struct.

As i said above i'm rather clueless now..

I think your virtual directory approach is the way to go but there are
still some problem i cannot oversee right now.

Maybe you could give me some more help/input/ideas here.

At the moment i'm even thinking if one shouldn't rewrite the whole flac
plugin (which would be something i am not up to at the moment i think..)



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