On 2011/01/28 09:52, Sean McNamara <smc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The only problem is that mpd itself would be completely unaware of
> this external daemon's existence, and as such, would not (could not)
> provide any management service for it (i.e. stopping and starting it,
> or configuring it). If the goal is not to touch the mpd core, then the
> most logical way to ease end-user management of said daemon would be
> to integrate it as a plugin into the most popular mpd clients. They'd
> have to make a separate TCP connection to the playlist workflow
> daemon.

This is where an idea steps in I had a while ago:

Problem: mpdscribble should be able to send the "loved song" flag to
last.fm.  However mpdscribble itself is a daemon and the user cannot
interact with it.

Solution: allow mpd clients to communicate with each others over the
mpd protocol:

mpdscribble sends "subscribe scrobbler", and then "idle" as usual.

The user clicks on the heart symbol on his interactive client (such as
gmpc), and gmpc then sends "send scrobbler loved_song".

Now mpd forwards that message to all clients subscribed to the keyword
"scrobbler" (idle event "message", and the client can read the
messages with another command such as "readmessages").

mpd could support listing the keywords that clients have subscribed
to; so gmpc could hide the heart button when there is no scrobbler.
Each time a new client subscribes or unsubscribes, mpd broadcasts the
"subscription" idle event to all clients.

The same could be useful for that auto-queue daemon, to allow
interactive clients to discover it and communicate with it.


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