On 01/28/2011 03:03 PM, Greg Ward wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 5:16 AM, Max Kellermann<m...@duempel.org>  wrote:
>> On 2011/01/28 09:52, Sean McNamara<smc...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> The only problem is that mpd itself would be completely unaware of
>>> this external daemon's existence, and as such, would not (could not)
>>> provide any management service for it (i.e. stopping and starting it,
>>> or configuring it). If the goal is not to touch the mpd core, then the
>>> most logical way to ease end-user management of said daemon would be
>>> to integrate it as a plugin into the most popular mpd clients. They'd
>>> have to make a separate TCP connection to the playlist workflow
>>> daemon.
>> This is where an idea steps in I had a while ago:
>> Problem: mpdscribble should be able to send the "loved song" flag to
>> last.fm.  However mpdscribble itself is a daemon and the user cannot
>> interact with it.
>> Solution: allow mpd clients to communicate with each others over the
>> mpd protocol:
> Very neat.  This is something I've been mulling over recently too: how
> do I add very precise, specific, peculiar user-driven features to mpd
> without bloating the core?  E.g. I want features like "stop at the end
> of this song" or "I have to leave the house in 25 minutes, so pick
> just enough random songs to fill that time and start playing" or "fade
> out and pause, then rewind 5 sec and fade in when I unpause".  All of
> those are just features that I happen to think digital music players
> ought to offer.  I'm perfectly capable of implementing them myself
> using the Python mpd client library, but then they're locked in their
> own little universe -- I have to run a different client alongside GMPC
> or Sonata or whatever.  (Or I have to open a command-line window and
> do it there, but that's conceptually the same thing.)  Or I could hack
> them into GMPC and build my own copy, but what if I decide I'd rather
> use Sonata?  Or I could hack them into mpd as core features for my own
> use, but of course you would never accept those patches.  And rightly
> so.
> A dedicated daemon for my goofy mpd features doesn't solve the whole
> problem though: I still have to convince GMPC, Sonata, and the rest of
> the world to give me a GUI to my custom daemon.  That's not gonna
> happen.

>> mpd could support listing the keywords that clients have subscribed
>> to; so gmpc could hide the heart button when there is no scrobbler.
>> Each time a new client subscribes or unsubscribes, mpd broadcasts the
>> "subscription" idle event to all clients.
> Even better: make it so GUI clients can discover "custom actions"
> supported by "daemon" clients.  E.g. if
> Greg's-custom-mpd-controller-daemon offers a "fade out and pause"
> action, then GMPC could have a "fade out and pause" button somewhere
> in its GUI.  It's much harder if the action requires user input (how
> many minutes until I have to leave the house?), but there are plenty
> of interesting things that could be done with a "just hit the button
> to execute the action" interface.
> Greg
exactly just make a system that allows GMPC or whatever discover what 
functionality is offered.
If you do it write, you can even pass an url (or whatever) where gmpc 
can donwload a UI description file and present that to the user.

I would implement this in GMPC, if the day comes.
It would be perfect for my small Metadata daemon.

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