On Tue, 2012-03-27 at 08:19 +0200, Max Kellermann wrote:
> I've added a fallback, the ALSA output will now attempt to use S32
> playback, and left-shift all 24-bit samples by 8 bit in that case.
> It's still the old "standard".

Hmm something odd is going on when using the new code. My dac switches
rapidly between DSD and 176.4 mode not producing any sound.

The log shows:
Mar 27 19:38 : decoder: audio_format=352800:dsd:2, seekable=false
Mar 27 19:38 : alsa: opened hw:1,0 type=HW
Mar 27 19:38 : alsa: format=S32_LE (Signed 32 bit Little Endian)
Mar 27 19:38 : alsa: buffer: size=896..2097152 time=5079..11888617
Mar 27 19:38 : alsa: period: size=896..2097152 time=5079..11888617
Mar 27 19:38 : alsa: default period_time = buffer_time/4 = 499954/4 =
Mar 27 19:38 : alsa: buffer_size=88192 period_size=22048
Mar 27 19:38 : output: opened plugin=alsa name="DAC"

When using my SOtM USB-to-SPDIF converter I can also no longer use
"device          "iec958:CARD=S20,DEV=0", I get "output: "sotm" [alsa]
failed to play: Bad address" I have to use "device hw;2,0" but that also
result in rapid switching between DSD and none DSD mode.


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