On 2013/01/16 11:42, Denis Krjuchkov <de...@crazydev.net> wrote:
> Some bonus thoughts:
> What if we start from different side and implement a wrapper (i.e.
> class FileName) that encapsulates actual file name string (no matter
> how it is stored internally)?

What kind of path name would this class represent - MPD's internal
path names (always narrow), or the external OS path names (sometimes

Finding a good representation for strings is perhaps one of the most
difficult things in C++, at least when you want to avoid overhead (and
C++ is extremely good at giving you ways to avoid overhead, something
which is not possible in higher-level languages):

1) a pointer to a C string (const char *)

2) an dynamically allocated buffer (e.g. std::string)

3) a fixed-size buffer (e.g. char[PATH_MAX])

Each of these has problems of its own.  For example, (1) often cannot
be used because somebody else needs to manage the memory pointed to.
(2) can be a lot of overhead for the allocator.  (3) is very fast, but
wastes memory.

I think this needs to be designed carefully, because I don't want MPD
to grow into a bloated beast.  Maybe we need to implement two (or all
three?) of the above?

> This would require more effort, because there are other functions
> that deal with file names directly. For example composing path from
> multiple components. As far a I understand currently it's
> implemented via GLib routines. Since we're anyway migrating from it
> such reimplementation would be required anyway (some code might be
> directly imported from GLib I think).

The GLib functions are not terribly sophisticated, they are merely a
convenience.  Having a class that has well-defined methods for path
manipulation would be even more convenient.

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