At Sun, Aug 05 2001 [22:33 -0400], Kyle Knack aroused my curiosity with:
> Actually, to be very specific, I had my "From:" set in a my_hdr line,
> but yes, that's been commented out.  The only other thing in my configs
> containing the word "from" is 'set envelop_from', which doesn't seem to
> affect it since I turned that off and tried again =(  If anyone out
> there wants to take a look at my configs, I'd be glad to pass them
> along.

Hello Kyle,
send me your configs and I will have a look at them.

> On a side note, is it possible procmail is affecting this in
> anyway ?  I'm not doing any header rewriting, just the normail mailbox
> filtering and the such.  Thanks!

I don't think so. I use procmail only for mail filtering, too.


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