On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 02:53:07PM -0400, Dan Boger scribbled:
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 08:27:30PM +0200, Gerhard Feiner wrote:
> > Hehe, that wasn't too confusing ;-)  But it's not what i am
> > searching for, as basically _any_ adress could come in.  that would
> > be a _very_ long alternates-list ;-)
> > Isn't there any way of doing this on the fly?
> well, if you're sure you want to do that, you can say alternate=. - and
> any address should match that...

I'm in a similar boat.

I subscribe to mailing lists with different e-mail addresses,

qmail kindly inserts a "Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
header in all my incoming mail, so procmail sorts it effortlessly
into the right folder.

When I send a reply to the mailing list, I'd like my From:
address to be set to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Right now, I do this manually.  My options are:
1) Have procmail & formail re-write the headers to create a To:
2) Create folder-hooks for all my mailing lists
3) Modify the source to have $alternates to look at a different

(1) can be done.

(2) would be much easier (and cooler) if folder-hooks could have
backreferences.  e.g.:
folder-hook list/([a-z]*) 'set from list-\[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Backreferences would also be really neat for using a folder
hook to get xterm to show the current folder.

                -- Phil


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