David T-G [19/09/2001 11:28] dijo/said:
>Miguel --
>...and then Miguel Farah F. said...
>% When reading news with tin, if one presses the 'd' key, the content of
>% the article being read will be rot13-ed.
>% I think mutt could have this capability, too. What I do currently is
>% pipe the mail I'm reading to the rot13 command in my ~/bin directory,
>% but it's not as convenient as being able to do it the tin way
>So define a macro to do it :-)  Take advantage of letting a small tool do
>its thing well and letting tools talk together through pipelines rather
>than trying to make mutt do everything by itself.

Er... is there a way to define a macro that will alter (rot13, in this
case) the displaying of the pager's content? Or you just mean a macro
to automatically do the piping I do manually?

#include <disclaimer.h>   //   http://www.nn.cl/~miguel
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- Sledge Hammer

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