On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 at 15:09:32 -0400, David T-G wrote:
> ...and then David Champion said...
> % Guess someone just can't make up their minds. I wonder whether it's
> % Sun or a standards agency. I wish I still had other platforms....
> Yeah.

Well, FreeBSD has the following to say under tr(1):

|      System V has historically implemented character ranges using the
|      syntax ``[c-c]'' instead of the ``c-c'' used by historic BSD
|      implementations and standardized by POSIX.  System V shell
|      scripts should work under this implementation as long as the
|      range is intended to map in another range, i.e. the command ``tr
|      [a-z] [A-Z]'' will work as it will map the ``['' character in
|      string1 to the ``['' character in string2.  However, if the shell
|      script is deleting or squeezing characters as in the command ``tr
|      -d [a-z]'', the characters ``['' and ``]'' will be included in
|      the deletion or compression list which would not have happened
|      under an historic System V implementation.

[ Online version of the manpage can be found here:
(hope the URL gets through intact) ]

So, under the POSIX standard at least (and *BSD, in this case), the One
True Way is:

tr A-Za-z N-ZA-Mn-za-m

Does that work under Solaris?

> % Well, the lesson is that tr usage varies wildly among platforms,
> % just like expr, but we already knew that. :)

That's what POSIX tries to remedy. :)

> % So maybe it's best just to have your .mailcap call that rot13 shell
> % script, and adapt the script to cope with unames appropriately. Or
> % use perl.
> sh is portable (see other drifted-off-topic thread :-) but with this
> much garbage rolled in I think I will, indeed, go for perl.

Heavens man, have you no concern for efficiency? :-) If the POSIX
version doesn't work under Solaris, i'd rather go for:

tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \

Much more lightweight, and should work practically anywhere, even if
it involves a bit of extra typing.

Also, as for getting mutt to actually use the filter, i'm surprised no
one has pointed at $display_filter yet.

Instead of resorting to hacks involving .mailcap and (horrors :-) editing
the message's content type[1], you can just do something like:

macro pager (   "<enter-command>set display_filter=\n<enter-command>macro pager \\ca 
macro pager )   "<enter-command>set display_filter=rot13\n<enter-command>macro pager 
\\ca (\n<display-toggle-weed><display-toggle-weed>"
macro pager \ca )       "Toggle ROT13 decoding"

(Pity there's no way to force mutt to re-parse the message... i'm using
a double <display-toggle-weed> to simulate one.)

Just replace `rot13' with your chosen filter command and you're set;  no
extra config required, and no risk of munging actual messages.

[1] What happens if the message you're rot'ing is something besides
    text/plain, like text/html f'rinstance?  The given macro will just
    nuke the content-type from orbit, leaving you looking at HTML

Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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