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At some point hitherto, Will Yardley hath spake thusly:
> the procmail recipe seems to work fine

Except it doesn't.  if the mail has an attachment.  It no work good.
:)  I have a lot of Pine-using friends, and this is what happens when
they send me an encrypted mail with attachments (which happens often
enough to be bothersome).

And, while Esc-P makes this situation a bit better to deal with, I get
a LOT of encrypted and/or signed mail.  I receive prolly 400-600
messages a day, of which I would estimate about 20% to 30% are signed
or encrypted.  Having to hit esc-P for every single one of them (we're
talking between 80-180 messages a day, in the extremes) gets extremely
tedious.  Forgetting to do so (which happens often) when I'm replying
to, say, an old-style signed message means I then also have to weed
out a lot of crap from the reply that I (IMO) shouldn't need to.  Mutt
should do this for me, by automatically recognizing that the message
is a PGP-somethingorother message.

I would make the argument that computers are very good at doing
repetetive, tedious tasks.  People aren't, and typically don't enjoy
them. We use computers to make our lives easier, to remove as many of
the repetetive, tedious tasks as possible.  This is a perfect example
of when that should be done, IMO.

While yes, it is possible to make mutt do this by implementing a
macro, it seems to me that a sufficiently significant amount of time
and bandwidth has been wasted by people on this list REPEATEDLY
explaining how to do this, and REPEATEDLY arguing about whether mutt
really ought to do this automatically (or more accurately, to provide
the option to do so), that it seems the answer to the latter question
should be obvious...

> and if you hit <esc>e to edit the raw message, you'll see that the
> message hasn't been modified, and it's still in 'traditional' form;
> it just has had the appropriate mime type added to the headers up
> top.

That's still modifying the message...  the headers are part of the
message.  I'm against MTA/MDA munging of mail in all its forms, when
not absolutely necessary (i.e. when passing messages between
incompatible mail systems).  The MDA shouldn't NEED to know about PGP
or any other user application; its job is to DELIVER mail, not muck
with it.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
- ---------------------------------------------
I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG!
GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D
Retrieve my public key at http://pgp.mit.edu
Learn more about it at http://www.gnupg.org
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


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