At some point hitherto, Jeremy Blosser hath spake thusly:
> > IIRC, recently someone posted a macro that would essentially perform
> > Esc-P on every message in a folder.  I spent the morning combing
> > through the archives, but I couldn't find it.
> <tag-pattern>~A<tag-prefix><check-traditional-pgp><untag-pattern>~A
> It needs <enter> at the appropriate places, but that's the idea.  It also
> needs to be applied when threads are not collapsed.


> > it?  Also, is there a way to make mutt perform this every time it
> > enters a folder (or, better yet, ALL of them)?
> folder-hook . 'push <the above>'

Thanks again!

> > I really think this should be built into mutt (though perhaps a
> procmail or other MDAs will always be able to do it better, because they're

Obviously I disagree, or I'd not have asked about this.  I've stated
my reasons for that disagreement here before, so I'm not going to
bother rehashing them.

Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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