Volker, et al --

...and then Volker Moell said...
% > 
% > Then I sugest you to use: 
% > 
% > macro pager \cv "<enter-command>set 
pgp_verify_sig\n<exit><display-message><enter-command>unset pgp_verify_sig\n" "Check 
PGP sig"
% One question: Why isn't there a general solution for this FAQ (sic!)? In

*This* question has started coming up relatively recently, and before now
it hasn't been a concern.

% the last five months I read mutt-users this problem came up several
% times.  Lots of mutt-users post their (more or less) complicated macros
% which always have their disadvantages. Ok, it seems not to me mutt's
% philosophy to support this traditional style. But there are some flags

Whoa -- when did we jump to traditional style from macros?  These macros
simply let you verify *one* sig, be it traditional or not, but usually
not spend the time on doing so for all messages.  Macros are no longer
(in 1.3.x where x=>20 at least) necessary for traditional verification.

% to handle it (some of them from patches). But none of these patches
% handles the old style in the same easy way than the new one. It's nice
% to validate old-style-PGP on keypress. And you can build several macros
% to do this in a more-or-less-working manner. But isn't there a solution
% like "set handle_trditional_pgp_like_new_style=yes"?

All you have to do is hit esc-P and it's all there, AIUI, so either build
esc-P into your macro, folder-hook an esc-P on all messages when you
enter, or use procmail to "adjust" the message at delivery time so that
it looks like MIME.  There's no need for another setting and for mutt to
have to parse every message in case it *might* be signed in the body.

% Please don't write: There is no patch for this, write one. I don't have

Of course I wonldn't write that; I'd use a semicolon instead of a
comma ;-)

% any clue about this. Unfortunately. I just see the lots of people asking
% for this feature (and I guess there are many more wanting it but didn't
% ask).  And all of them have the same problems.  I really don't want to
% start a flame war or so. I just wonder about this fact. Is it so hard to
% implement this feature that old style works straightforward (i.e. not
% with many macros covering approx. 75%)?

Unless I've misunderstood (and need correction), you've mixed two
different items: traditional checking (accomplished via esc-P) and
on-demand verifying (accomplished through various macros).  Can you
confirm or deny?

%     -volker
% -- 
%   http://die-Moells.de/  *  http://Stama90.de/  *  http://ScriptDale.de/
% "reality.sys corrupted - reboot universe? y/n"

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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