On 07-Mar-02 at 12:26, Marco Fioretti's inspired musing was thus :
> We should check if that code is available, and how hard it is to make
> it work in a shell.

Absolutely. Someone has already thought about the tool and even implemented
it. It should be command line to save that poor guy's bandwidth :)

Too many people in Open Source are reinventing the wheel, especially FTP
clients, lightweight web servers, PHP photo galleries, etc

|-Simon White               # GIMPS current unit progress: 29.84% #-|
|-Internet Services Manager # > http://www.mersenne.org/prime.htm #-|
|-MTDS S.A. 14, rue 16 novembre   THIS SPACE   tel: +212.3.737.4861-|
|-Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco        FOR RENT    fax: +212.3.737.4863-|

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