Simon White wrote:
> Since it's dynamic, he'll have to be running a web server, etc. A
> shell or PERL script will guarantee functionality across a wider range
> of Linux distros and setups.

and other operating systems; mutt runs on a number of systems other than
linux (ie FreeBSD, commercial UNIX, win32, etc).
> > I think newbies will feel more at home with a web-based interface.
> Yes, I agree. But we can take the web script as a building block, no?
> The web script has to be hosted somewhere else if it is to work
> everywhere, but then, that tool is already available.

well if someone is more at home with a web based interface, mutt is
probably not for them.  what i am hoping for is something with a lot
more interactivity than that web interface (and something with fewer
options).... that's really just a slightly different interface to the
available documentation.

the web interface doesn't have an easy way of directly interacting with
the user's machine, which means it can't tell what OS the user is
running, what version of mutt they're running, what other console based
mail clients they may have used in the past, what type of mail delivery
is being used... all of these are things that are simple to program for
/ around in shell / perl.

the idea is not to provide an interface for the full range of mutt's
functionality, but simply to get people on the road with a configuration
that's more comfortable for them than mutt's default configuration might
be.  mutt is very configurable, and figuring out all of the various
options right away can be overwhelming...

it would also be nice if the script could eventually help out with stuff
like selecting / configuring a viewer for html mail, and maybe even
setting up a lightweight smtp replacement if the user doesn't have smtp.

Will Yardley
william @ newdream . net

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