On 07-Mar-02 at 06:00, John Buttery's inspired musing was thus :
>   Well, if we're not reinventing the wheel, why not just ask the guy if
> we can have a copy of his whole HTML and just include it with the mutt
> distribution?  I'm sure it's not very big on disk.  Then just include
> instructions on how to navigate to the first page of it with a browser.

Since it's dynamic, he'll have to be running a web server, etc. A shell or
PERL script will guarantee functionality across a wider range of Linux distros
and setups.

>   The only reason to do a whole new shell script is if you're going to
> do "logic" like someone mentioned a few posts back, ie autodetection of
> where the mail spool is etc.  I think newbies will feel more at home
> with a web-based interface.

Yes, I agree. But we can take the web script as a building block, no? The web
script has to be hosted somewhere else if it is to work everywhere, but then,
that tool is already available.

|-Simon White               # GIMPS current unit progress: 29.89% #-|
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