On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 11:23:29AM +0000, Simon White wrote:
>On 07-Mar-02 at 12:26, Marco Fioretti's inspired musing was thus :
>> We should check if that code is available, and how hard it is to make
>> it work in a shell.
>Absolutely. Someone has already thought about the tool and even implemented
>it. It should be command line to save that poor guy's bandwidth :)
>Too many people in Open Source are reinventing the wheel, especially FTP
>clients, lightweight web servers, PHP photo galleries, etc

  Well, if we're not reinventing the wheel, why not just ask the guy if
we can have a copy of his whole HTML and just include it with the mutt
distribution?  I'm sure it's not very big on disk.  Then just include
instructions on how to navigate to the first page of it with a browser.
  The only reason to do a whole new shell script is if you're going to
do "logic" like someone mentioned a few posts back, ie autodetection of
where the mail spool is etc.  I think newbies will feel more at home
with a web-based interface.
  Maybe if we wanted to get really motivated (and we are mutt users
after all :p) we could have the web conf generator (assuming the author
lets us have it) and then have a line at the end of it that instructs
the user to run a shell script.  The shell script would then modify the
generated conf, dealing with variables that can be autodetected.  I
don't think that would be too confusing as long as the transition
instructions were worded clearly.  I mean, in theory our target audience
is comfortable, at least a little, with using a terminal.
  For that matter, there could be a shell script "generate-conf" or
whatever that finds a browser, loads the web conf generator in it, and
then when the conf generator exits it automatically jumps into the
autodetect-and-modify stuff.

  Am I going off the deep end here?

  By the way, anyone have any comments on my GPG key?  Is everything
working now? 

 John Buttery
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