
As the subject says, I recently switched from Netscape to mutt,
a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to do it for a long time, for
several reasons, but you know how lazy one can be when it comes
to changing ones habits... :o)
I spent some time on the configuration, and it's _almost_
perfect (though the perception of perfection tends to change
over time :o) ).

Here are a couple of questions/concerns that I have :

*) I filter my fetchmailed-mails through procmail and send the
mails to the appropriate folders (especially mailing lists). Mutt
does not show "N" in front of the dirs. I read on this list
that's because mutt compares the last-access-time of the mailbox 
file, and the one of .muttrc. But in fact, I do not run mutt all
the time, and I frequently start it just for reading an old email,
leaving the mailing lists "for later". Too bad. I changed muttrc
last access time, so it's newer than the mailbox, and I won't see
"N" anymore until a new mail comes in. 
I'm sure one can imagine come kind of caching system that would
cache the status of a mailbox. Are they some floating around ?

*) Aliases : Do I really have to press ^T and then select each
recipient one at a time when I send an email ? I would like
to select multiple persons.

*) When I select recipient, There's only one line. If I select
more than 2 persons, then it get's scrolled, and I cannot see
all of them. I find it pretty annoying.

*) When reading a list, I often press 'd'. I would like mutt
to display the next _unread_ message, and not the next message
in the list (I have the messages sorted by thread, thus it
often displays messages I already read). 

Any suggestion on one/another of these points ?

Other than that, I'm _so happy_ that I can read my mail archives
from work/home, that I can even use email without X, and that
it starts faster than my previous mailer ... Thanks to mutt
developpers ! :o)

<doogie> Thinking is dangerous.  It leads to ideas.
        -- Seen on #Debian

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