Flavien ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> As the subject says, I recently switched from Netscape to mutt,
> a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to do it for a long time, for
> several reasons, but you know how lazy one can be when it comes
> to changing ones habits... :o)

Same for me. I have used Netscape for the past 7 years almost
exclusively, but have wanted to switch to something better for a long
time. I tried Pine and literally could not stand it. I found VM to be
way too heavy and clumsy.

> I spent some time on the configuration, and it's _almost_
> perfect (though the perception of perfection tends to change
> over time :o) ).

It took me nearly a week to learn mutt, and build an initial
configuration that I can be happy with. This is not all directly related
to mutt, but also fetchmail, procmail, safecat, etc. Now, I can
automatically send mails with different From: addresses depending upon
which folder I am in when I compose the message, or the From: or To:
address it was sent to. In my opinion, this is one of Mutt's strongest

> Other than that, I'm _so happy_ that I can read my mail archives
> from work/home, that I can even use email without X, and that
> it starts faster than my previous mailer ... Thanks to mutt
> developpers ! :o)

I am so also happy that I now have a text based reader that is decent.
One of the top things I am waiting for now is the S/MIME support, which
I understand is now in CVS and coming to a release quite soon.


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