Flavien wrote:

> *) I filter my fetchmailed-mails through procmail and send the mails
> to the appropriate folders (especially mailing lists). Mutt does not
> show "N" in front of the dirs.

just to check, do you have them listed in your muttrc as 'mailboxes' ?

> *) Aliases : Do I really have to press ^T and then select each
> recipient one at a time when I send an email ? I would like to select
> multiple persons.

alias<tab>, alias2<tab>, alias3<tab> works for me.
> *) When I select recipient, There's only one line. If I select more
> than 2 persons, then it get's scrolled, and I cannot see all of them.
> I find it pretty annoying.

you might want to set edit_headers in your .muttrc -- i find it's
easier to deal with taht stuff in my editor.

i'm sure other people will address your other questions.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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