On Sun 24-Mar-2002 at 02:09:41PM -0700, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> I can't think of anything that can be done with a scripting language
> built into the .muttrc that can't be done with a bash script being
> evaluated with backticks inside the regular .muttrc. (but then again,
> I haven't put _too_much_ thought into it).
> Care to give some examples?

I send a lot of images with email and I find it _very_ useful to add the
output of 'identify' as the 'Content-Description' for each attachment:

    2001-06-16-gcsss-panorama.jpg 2400x1200 241kb JPEG

etc..  At the moment I do this with copy and paste.

To automate it with a script, I need to pass the script internal mutt
information (the location of the file I'm attaching in this case).

I might want to set other stuff at the same time, like
'Content-Disposition: inline' for all images less than 800 pixels wide.

Just an example, something I was trying to do today.


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