On Mon, Apr 29, 2002 at 03:33:49PM -0500, David T-G wrote:

> % 
> % > Sounds like he needs some kind of http-based proxy, unless the firewall
> % > is dumb enough to let non-http things through port 80, in which case I'd
> % > recommend ssh.
> % 
> % If the company lets through port 80, they probably also let through port
> % 443; run an sshd on port 443 (all encrypted traffic looks the same, but
> % encrypted traffic going through port 80 will look suspicious -- assuming
> % someone is looking at the streams going through the firewall), and
> % you've got yourself an instant hole in the firewall.

> Hey, now that's not a bad idea, and it would certainly last him until he
> needed ssl support.

> % This is one of the principle reasons why firewalls are ineffective, BTW.

> Yeah.  Generally better than unplugging the wire, though :-)

Something to keep firmly in mind when talking about this, and 
even _MORE_ firmly in mind if one is thinking about doing it at
work, is that lots of places view circumventing the firewall as
an indication that you need to work somewhere else.

Now is a bad time to be job-hunting in just about about any 
technical field. 

Mike Andrews
Tired old sysadmin since 1964, firewall guy

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