On 00:53 11 Aug 2002, Sven Guckes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| * Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-10 22:48]:
| > | and why are you using a perl script
| > | for sending when you have mutt?
| > Because, as y'all keep saying, mutt doesn't send email
| > or talk to SMTP servers. It hands messages to sendmail.
| correct.  but why not use an MTA?

The script is the MTA. And because some MTAs are a PITA to configure
for many people. And because it may well be infeasible to run a real
mail system on one's home box (see below).

| > I also use a perl script for this, and point mutt at it as
| > the sendmail tool. It's especially handy on "disconnected"
| > home machines which have net connections
| > but not net-aware local mail systems; ..
| eh?  disconnected machines with net connections?

I mean with default unconfigured sendmail or whatever.

Or with no legitimate domain name to use for outgoing return information;
to run a mail service you really do need a valid reply domain, at
least for the addresses (From:) that you permit to escape into the
outside world. On a dialup or cable connection you don't have this
unless you make yourself a domain, eg via homeip.net etc. And if you
have an opressive ISP (eg optus@home, my cable provider) you _can't_
run an publicly visible SMTP server because optus filter that port.

Therefore it's often sensible to use your ISP's SMTP server.  And thus a
script of some kind instead of sendmail, since you're only doing dispatch,
not routing.

| > .  you can then just replace the sendmail
| > with something that delivers, for example,
| > to the host named by your $SMTPSERVER variable.
| shades of ssmtp?

If I were only doing SMTP, I'd be doing that (well, really using my own
smtpsend script which does that same job). But I'm doing a bit more.
So I have my own script.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

I sympathize with the makers of _The Net_. We're sad bastards really and
they're trying their best to make us seem interesting.
        - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dave Griffiths)

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