At 9:27 AM +1000 2002/08/12, Cameron Simpson wrote:

>                                                  The problem is that the
>  home machine will either stamp unqualified addresses ("cameron") with
>  a bogus domain (eg "localhost.localdomain" on unmodified redhat boxes)
>  or with the ISP's domain (if you've so configured it), which is a LIE,
>  because most accounts on your machine either don't exist in the ISP or
>  collide with other users.

        See my previous messages.  This is not a problem, if you have 
configured the box correctly and, more importantly, you have 
configured mutt correctly.

>  the crucial point most people seem to miss here, aside from the whole
>  lack-of-domain thing, is that if you're going to use you local machines
>  mail system, _all_ email clients must be able to use it (without special
>  config hacks like my_hdr), and all local accounts must be able to use it.

        Again, that's not necessarily true.  Even if it is true, with 
proper configuration, you can support this.

>  That's the whole point! A single user single client setup might as well
>  speak directly to a legitimate SMTP service from one's ISP.

        That would be the preferred method, yes.  However, it is not the 
only option.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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