----- Original Message -----
From: Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: sending with perl instead of MTA?

> Therefore it's often sensible to use your ISP's SMTP server.  And thus a
> script of some kind instead of sendmail, since you're only doing dispatch,
> not routing.

Yes, it is (actually, it is only sensible way how to make sending of mails
working on dial-up machine without bind etc.), but why not to configure your
very own sendmail properly?

> If I were only doing SMTP, I'd be doing that (well, really using my own
> smtpsend script which does that same job). But I'm doing a bit more.
> So I have my own script.

You do not have to have your own script (have you ever heard about
reinventing the wheel?). I understand that you have problems with
configuring underdocumented sendmail (who doesn't have them?), but still I
believe that it is better to use it than your own Perl script (twenty years
of development makes sendmail probably at least slightly more robust than
your own creation). So, take a look at
http://www.sendmail.org/~ca/email/offline_mailing.html, where is very well
documented exactly yours configuration of sendmail and take a look at the
attached sendmail.mc.

What about that?


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