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On Monday, February 16 at 12:09 PM, quoth James Freer:
>> You mean procmail, not postfix, right? Procmail *APPEARS* easier, but
>> has some massive problems with error handling (see
>No assuming Ubuntu Linux by Von Hagan is correct.

You said "I need to use postfix OR maildrop." (emphasis mine). That 
suggests you believed them to be analogs. Even in your list here, 
postfix is an MTA, maildrop is an MDA, so they're not analogs.

>examples [if i've learnt anything!]
>MTA [mail transfer agent] - sendmail, postfix, qmail, exim, mstmp
>MDA [mail delivery agent] - procmail, maildrop, qpopper, courier IMAP, cyrus

Strictly speaking, no, qpopper, courier IMAP, and cyrus IMAP are *not* 
MDAs because they do not *deliver* email. They *serve* email, and 
don't really fit into the usual email transfer categories 
(MTA/MDA/MUA/MRA/MSA). See http://wiki.mutt.org/?MailConcept Now, they 
may *proved* MDA features; I know dovecot IMAP has an MDA/LDA program, 
and I think courier and cyrus come with one too, but I'm pretty sure 
that qpopper doesn't.

Of course, now we're getting into pedantry, and kinda off track. :)

- -- 
As we enjoy great Advantages from the Inventions of others we should 
be glad of an Opportunity to serve others by any Invention of ours, 
and this we should do freely and generously.
                                                   -- Benjamin Franklin
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


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