On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:40:15PM -0400, James Michael Fultz wrote:
> There's an explanation to be found in less' man page and Mutt's
> manual.
> <http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-2.html#ss2.3>
> "Also, the internal pager supports a couple other advanced
> features. For one, it will accept and translate the ``standard''
> nroff sequences for bold and underline. These sequences are a
> series of either the letter, backspace (^H), the letter again for
> bold or the letter, backspace, ``_'' for denoting underline. ..."
> You can convert those sequences to regular text using col with
> its '-b' option.  Due to some versions of col's inability to
> handle UTF-8, the '-p' option may be necessary as well.

Hi James,

I've tried `col -b` and `col -bp`, both produce errors and stop immatiatly.

    y...@bsd ~ > cat manual.txt | col -b -p

       9.14. Default editor Function Bindings

       col: Illegal byte sequence

Wu, Yue

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