* "Wu, Yue" <vano...@gmail.com> [2009-09-25 13:22 +0800]:
[ ... ]
> Hi James,
> I've tried `col -b` and `col -bp`, both produce errors and stop immatiatly.
>     y...@bsd ~ > cat manual.txt | col -b -p
>        9.14. Default editor Function Bindings
>        col: Illegal byte sequence

Curious.  While the '-p' option to col may not be a cure-all for
dealing with unsupported character sets, I don't see any such
character at that location either.  Looking at a hexdump of that
section of the manual, aside from the embedded backspace
characters, it appears to be ASCII.

Perhaps your copy of the manual is still yet corrupted?  Here are
the MD5 checksums for the files I have downloaded.

dff620858d4aa4d9df7b46a02ede482b  manual.txt
832c15a5325130eaa5d81d038e373aaa  manual.txt.gz

'manual.txt' being a decompressed copy of the downloaded

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