On 26Aug2010 18:20, seanh <snh...@gmail.com> wrote:
| On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 04:13:57PM +0200, Baptiste Grenier wrote:
| > Also to make the delete thread work in index:
| > folder-hook .      'macro index <esc>d 
| I think this one is problematic. If the user has already tagged some
| messages outside of the thread to be deleted and then she presses <esc>d
| on a thread, won't this move the other tagged messages to =Trash also?

I have a bunch of macro that commence:


It makes things do what's expected, though it does of course trash any
tagging in progress:-(

On the topic of "trash" style deletion, and speaking as one who never
throws away old email (except for the spam, that gets fed to the spam
learner) I have 'd' mapped to:

  folder-hook . 'macro index,pager d 
"<copy-message>+ham<enter><save-message><enter><next-undeleted>" "archive 

  folder-hook '^(spam|junk|U|UNKNOWN)' 'macro index,pager d S "delete message 
as spam"'

Ignoring the spam stuff, the important thing there is that 'd' runs
<save-message> instead of <delete-message>, and I set the save folder to
the appropriate archive folder. It acts like delete, but lets mairix
find stuff in the archive later.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

Neurotoxin Lite!  Tastes great. Less writhing & drooling.

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