On 2011-08-22, Aaron Toponce <aaron.topo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 05:25:05PM +0800, source liu wrote:
>> I've recently picked up the path to the mutt + fetchmail + msmtp,  and
>> it works well with my gmail or other serves provider.
>> For the issue my company use the M$ exchange as the mail server,  I
> What is 'M$ exchange'? I've heard of Microsoft Exchange, but I'm
> unfamiliar with this 'M$' company to which you refer.

You must be joking.  People have been referring to Microsoft as "M$"
for decades.

> Unless of course you're referring to Microsoft. Do you refer to them
> that way, because they are a for-profit corporation? What's wrong
> with making money?

When you break the law to make money, people tend to get annoyed.

>> have to fight my way to configure that. The case now is the fetchmail
>> works pretty well while it poll the mail from the server, but msmtp
>> failed to deliver the mail through the exchange server, the error code
>> is 550 5.7.1 which yelled: the Client doesnt have permittions to send
>> as this sender.
> Mutt doesn't support the MAPI/RPC proprietary protocol natively.

He's not trying to use MAPI/RPC.

> You could install the 'libexchangemapi' and 'libmapi0' libraries, and
> try to get Mutt to work with them, but I'm not optimistic that it's
> possible. Evolution is likely your best bet to working with Exchange
> servers.

As long as SMTP and POP/IMAP are enabled and configured,
fetchmail/ssmtp should work fine.  Since fetchmail works, POP/IMAP
isn't a problem.  He just needs to get authentication set up correctly
for the SMTP server.

> With that said, Exchange does support POP3(S) and IMAP(S) protocols, but
> they are not enabled by default, and you would need to collaborate with
> your Exchange administrator to get them enabled, and what the settings
> would be.

Since fetchmail is working, obviously either POP or IMAP is enabled
and working.

> Then, you could tie Mutt into Exchange via either of those.

His problem is with the SMTP server not with POP or IMAP.  The SMTP
server is apprently enbled, and ssmtp is able to authenticate OK since
it's is able to connect but then gets an error message when it
attempts to send.

It sounds to me like the SMTP server is objecting to the "from:"
address that's being used when sending a message.  It could be
objecting to the envelope "from" value or to the message header "from"
value.  Make sure both are set to the e-mail address associated with
the credentials that are being used by ssmtp to authenticate.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I want to mail a
                                  at               bronzed artichoke to
                              gmail.com            Nicaragua!

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