so its a script of perl,  got it.

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:32 PM, Mason Loring Bliss <> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 09:27:07AM +0800, source liu wrote:
>> of course the integrate addressbook will help a lot, i'm also interesting
>> in it.
> I'll attach the LDAP look-up script I use. I didn't write it, but it's pretty
> useful.
>> It's really kind of you to provide such a information, yet the critical
>> issue lies in the sending at hand. :)
> Are you trying this *without* msmtp? I'd start there.

Maybe I should try something like sendmail/postfix,  through it quit a
big challenge after a take a glance at their manuals,
great power requires greater efforts.

>> The reason may be the firewall, The mail guard defends the request as alien
>> invaders, 'cause the commands such as LHLO, etc were not recognize(
>> returned error code 500 5. 3. 3 Unrecognized command ).
> Yeah, that doesn't ring a bell for me. It's usually EHLO or HELO. LHLO sounds
> strange. Maybe it's something new since I last looked at this stuff.

its yield LHLO,  I didnt saw these words before i've picked up Linux,
thus these a relatively new
concept to me. even connect directly with Mutt remains the same word.

The information I know is LHLO is based on LMTP.  sometimes i just use
lazy configure and let the software choose for me,
it usually works, but i dont know whether it is good to do as this. :)

>> I've googled the case up,  some guys faces the same problems when
>> Cisco PIX (or other defenders) has been introduced. Thus it's not the
>> problem i could solve on my own. :)
> If you can talk to the Exchange server, you *should* be able to make this
> work right. Don't give up!

you got the point, i should be able to make it as the server for it
didnt refuse to connect.
there must be something wrong,  still need time to go over.

it is a never good idea to give up.

Thank you so much for you inspiring.

>> BTW
>> > set smtp_authenticators="login"
>> should this one be
>> set imap_authenticator  = "login"
> No, you specifically need smtp_authenticators set. I copied all of that from
> my working config.
>> My mutt complained the command not found as you type this way.
> What version of Mutt are you using? Here's what I've got:
> acheron 1 /home/mason$ mutt -v | head -1
> Mutt 1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

same as yours,

Source@debian$: mutt -v | head -1
Mutt 1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Should i check my spelling first before post it out.  :)

> --
> Mason Loring Bliss               Ewige Blumenkraft!
> (if awake 'sleep (aref #(sleep dream) (random 2))) -- Hamlet, Act III, Scene I

Liu An
Institution of modern physics, Shanghai, China

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