Thanks for your reply, Mick...

On 2013/11/20 2:59 PM, Mick wrote:
On Wednesday 20 Nov 2013 07:42:34 you wrote:
On 2013/11/19 1:51 AM, Mick wrote:

I don't know what permissions problems you are talking about...

Windows kept saying "Hey! That came from an alien system. I'm not going to
let you install it." It would lock stuff and laugh at me.

The exact error and method of access when it occurred may be more useful.  You
may need a different umask in your fstab.  I have set up a few Linux machines
to mount NTFS and have not had such problems (always in dual booting

Not an error (see paragraph 2). This is not a problem manifested because of Linux and it doesn't involve Linux permissions. This is a problem even when downloading something off the net directly into Windows.

In Windows, open a file's property sheet. With the 'General' tab to the fore, "Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." This statement is accompanied by an [Unblock] button. This blocking severely hobbles the usefulness of a shared directory. I have a Sysinternals (Mark Russinovich) utility that supports batch fixup of the problem, but I'd prefer to simply avoid it.


When you open a file the access timestamp changes.  I assume that you will
open a message file with a MSWindows mail client...

No. There is no maildir compatible Windows mail client.

If you decide to respond to a message in MSWindows with your mail client...

This will never happen. There is no maildir compatible Windows mail client. I will not be composing email in the Windows Host. That will only happen in the Linux Guest.


Errmmm... I thought that Samba WAS the file system interface to Windows.

No, it is not.  The conventional file system interface you are referring to is
the filesystem drivers (MSDOS, ntfs kernel driver and ntfs-3g) that the Linux
OS uses to access MSWindows fs types, or the drivers that the MSWindows OS
uses to access Linux fs types.

I'm sorry. I'm not making myself clearly understood. I can't use a Windows-compatible filesystem because the maildir will be using characters that are illegal in Windows-compatible filesystems (specifically, colon, and perhaps others).

Samba is a file server.  It accesses files natively on a Linux fs and then it
passes these on over the ethernet using TCP/IP (at the application-layer of
the OSI model) to MSWindows clients.  In this model the MSWindows OS does not
read or access the Linux fs at an OS level, the SAMBA server does.

That sounds exactly what I need. There's a Host Only network as an option in the virtual machine, I guess I could use that.


This will be the case if the fs is only accessed via one OS (e.g. Linux)...

That is the case.

...and the files are served to the MSWindows via SAMBA.  In which case the
solution you seek is probably SAMBA.

Yes. You've helped to clarify things. I think you can now see that what I'm trying to do is really quite elemental - simple sharing, no synchronization, no permissions issues. I'm not sure that a mutt forum is the appropriate venue. Do you know of anyone who is doing this and would be willing to advise me?

Ciao - Mark.

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