On 2015-06-18, Xu Wang wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 5:48 AM, Suvayu Ali wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 04:46:02AM -0400, Xu Wang wrote:
> >>
> >> It is actually not documented (in 'man muttrc') what happens if
> >> mail_check is set to 0. Does this mean it never checks or that it
> >> checks as often as possible?
> >
> > Look at the main manual (usually available from Mutt with F1).  On my
> > system it resides in:
> >
> >   /usr/share/doc/mutt-kz/manual.html
> >   /usr/share/doc/mutt-kz/manual.txt
> >
> > Hope this helps,
> Ah interesting. I did not realize about this. I will read it.
> However, searching for "mail_check" gives me:
> No matching help pages found in “Terminal”.
> I'm not sure if there is such a way to search outside of restricted
> scope "Terminal".

Mutt and Terminal both use F1 for help.  Terminal sees the key
first, so it "wins".

You can get around that by disabling F1 in Terminal, binding a
different key to help in mutt, or by accessing mutt's help from the
mutt command line with:

    :push <f1>


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