On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 09:27:05PM -0400, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> Such a change would have no effect on current settings of > 0,
> likely 99.99+ percent of mutt installations.  And for those few
> who do use mail_check == 0, a change to "1" would be little
> affected as far as I can see.

While I agree this is well-intentioned, there are only a few problems
with this:

 - behavior changes like this are not particularly well-publicized;
   and there's no way to know how many people might be using the
   existing behavior.

 - If you have it set to zero and want that behavior, changing the
   behavior of 0 from "check instantly" to "check never" is a pretty
   huge, unintuitive change.  It will be far from obvious why mutt has
   suddenly stopped checking mail.  You should avoid doing this to
   your users without a strong, compelling reason.

 - It does not actually accomplish the goal; mutt will still check
   mail periodically despite this, as I've now pointed out for the
   third time.

All in all, I think making a change here is asking for more trouble
than it's really worth.  You could gate the behavior change on yet
another config variable, but OPNAMCS. [Oh please, not another mutt
configuration setting.]  IMO, this just isn't worth it, to please the
one person who's asked for it in 20 years...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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