I owe a couple replies:

*scope creep*
pottster, I completely understand scope creep and what it can do to
software.  However,  I have submitted literally hundreds of software
ideas to open source and commercial software initiatives.  It is a
purposeful focus for me to be exceptionally aware of the general
current scope of the software and understand the impact of adding
functionality.  This is how I know to delineate between adding
functionality that has UI and/or UX impacts and those that do not.
New UI controls mean new explanations, new helpfile links, etc, so
they impact development and more importantly they impact whether a new
prospective user (revenue potential) feels overwhelmed by the amount
of software nomenclature they must learn.  (I feel "Don't Make Me
Think" by Steve Krug applies to ALL software - not just the web).
When functionality can be added with a simple question or even a
default behavior, the impact is dramatically reduced.

I expressed the minimum requirement that I believe gives 80% of the
value of what I am getting at - something that seems to be an
underlying development theme in MLO already.  The scope creep that you
outlined does not have to be a natural progression simply by
facilitating this request.

The potential for scope creep is always there and using the rationale
that it is a slippery slope should not be used to downplay an idea -
this downplay could be used on every feature request on this forum.

I also want to point out to all that this suggestion is specifically
incremental.  It does not require a comprehensive design of the whole
idea of "task dependencies" to add significant value.  In fact, I
wonder why it could not be the default behavior when coping tasks
trees.  I can't think of a time when I would need a complete duplicate
of a task tree with the same dates in real life.  Can anyone enlighten
us on whether there is a use case for leaving all dates the same or if
it is simply the natural result of doing a copy of tasks in the
absence of any other requirements?

*additional value*
As background I use these dates to populate other systems - rush
shipping on registration systems, cut off dates, etc.  So having the
system determine them automatically has a big productivity boost in
that it supports: *) fewer date determination mistakes, *) rapid setup
of dependent systems.

*nschm873*, thanks for updating me on the official term.

*My Workaround*
I held back on expressing my work around because I feel there is
significant value to the feature.  Not only is my work around a lot of
manual work (hence the name "work around") but sometimes the long
standing devotees of a product (which I seem on my way to becoming)
almost consider work arounds to be features - even if they are buried
in forum content.

My work around is simply to add a T-minus tag to the name of each
subtask.  "Print Courseware [T-5]"  If I copy or move an event date, I
redo the dates using these tags.  This way I can use start times  for
their intended purpose and calendar sync is preserved.

Currently on my most complex "backward planned" event I only have
about 10 identified subtasks to change - but if this grows to include
more detail on these or other projects, the work around will be very


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