I would like to touch once again on the concept of contexts. I understand that the original GTD concept involved the type of work being done. You would group calls together because when you finish a call and still have the phone in your hand that's a good time to make another call. Type of work being done is a kind of vague concept and it's subject to getting extended and modified. As always in such matters there's a predictable reaction that the mods have gone too far, with calls to return to a more orthodox interpretation. The way such things usually work out is that if there is a lot of utility to a particular mod it will become popular and the calls for orthodoxy will fall away, while if there is limited utility the discussion will fade away.

Two mods currently under discussion involve the use of context for GTD status (active, waiting, someday etc) and the use of context for delegation. Both have produced criticism for diverging from the orthodox interpretation of context. I would like to point out that the truly orthodox interpretation is long gone. Two examples: the fact that MLO allows each context to have a schedule of open and closed hours gives rise to contexts whose only characteristic is the schedule, like #weekend, and #weekday-morning and so on. This is clearly not a type of work but it has great utility so it is widely accepted. A second is location where a point on the Earth's surface and a circle of specified diameter around the point can be associated with a context. This gives rise to events that to me a clearly outside of the original vision of GTD, for example, I am driving home from a client meeting when my phone alerts me to the fact that I am within a half mile of my friend's house and I need to drop in and pick up the tools he had borrowed from me. This has nothing to do with any idea that client consultations and friends returning tools are in any way the same type of work but it has utility so nobody is complaining.

In my personal opinion, the GTD status has no utility because I don't use it but if someone does, I don't see that there is anything wrong with putting it in the context field. Yes, it makes the context list just a tiny bit longer but as long as you use different initial characters to group >calls versus *someday in different parts of the list, I don't see that as a big deal.

In my personal opinion, delegation has a lot of utility and I will go into my thoughts on that elsewhere. I think that MLO could do more to support delegation, I just don't see why that requires a different field, rather than just a new use of context.

Last point: I have recently been accused of being defensive. That's true but it is not because I want MLO functionality frozen where it is today. I am defensive of space on the screen. When a new field is created, for example delayed dependency, that does not require a dedicated column in any task list, I have no problem. When a new field like text tag appears which seems likely to want its own inch of column space in the task list, then that means that everything else has to shrink an inch, which probably translates to even more severely truncated task names. For that reason I will probably not be using text tags unless some incredibly high utility use case is devised by someone. And for this same reason, whatever enhancements are needed for delegation, I would rather see them implemented in context rather than allocating another new column.


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