How to upgrade from 3.23.58 to 4.1.7? Which is the easiest way with minimal
risk and downtime?

Background: Heavy loaded mysql server, only one database but it is huge -
5GB.The database is replicated to another server.Mysql 3.23.58.Linux OS.

Here is the my plan, please correct me if there is a better way or if I am
doing unnecessary actions:

1. Stop the site and mysql servers and backup database.
2. Upgrade mysql versions on the two machines.
3. Compiling apache and php with new mysql 4.1 client lib.
4. Recreate users and rights ( the provided script fix_privilege_table will
not work correctly form 3.23. to 4.1. will it?).
5. Start main mysql server without replication.
6. Rename database to olddb.
7. Create new database named db.
Do one of 8a or 8b:
8a.Dump olddb with mysqldump, then run the result file to fill the new db
(in order to have native 4.1 database ).
8b.Using SQL queries (or phpmyadmin) copy all tables from olddb to new db
(in order to have native 4.1 database ).
9. Assure that all is correct then delete olddb, copy database to the slave
and start mysql servers.
10. Confirm replication is ok, then start the site.

Hristo Chernev


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