On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Neil Aggarwal <n...@jammconsulting.com>wrote:

> If server 1 and 2 are on the same local network, I would use
> a cluster.

As in NDB ? I've no personal experience with it - save for a sales talk by
MySQL guys some years back where we decided it was useless to us - but I
understand it has quite a few specific limitations that make it suited for a
rather specific range of applications.

> If they are located on physically separate networks,
> I would use master-master replication.

If you're on separate networks, you're gonna have trouble maintaining both
performance and perfect replication, regardless of what you do; not to
mention you'll be in performance hell as soon as you want to switch to the
remote master.

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

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