Am 04.10.2012 23:12, schrieb Johan De Meersman:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Reindl Harald">
>> it does not matter what kind of users
> I'm happy for you that you still have all the answers anyone could ever want, 
> Harald.

not all but the one to the topic


> Regardless of having any background knowledge on the circumstance of the 
> question, even.

mysql can not an dwill not log user-logins

> You truly are a gifted individual.

your opinion, but the answer to the question of the OP
is simply "NO you can't"

>> using the "general query log" can only be a bad joke
>> you will log EVERY query and not only log-ins
> Yes, which is why I specified explicitly that it is very much discouraged for 
> production use.

it is NOT the answer to the question damned
it doe NOT log the last login of a mysql user in a USEABLE form

> Now you may do things differently, and you may also reach a satisfactory 
> solution; 
> but I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing how your way is the only valid 
> way

i don't give a damn about what you are tired of

the answer to "I want to find the last time the given list of users
logged in. Is there any mysql table from where i can retrieve the data"
is SIMPLY NO and not a useless full query log

> casually implying that the rest of the world are all bloody idiots 

maybe in this case your conclusion i liked to call you
a bloody idiot for bringing full query log as answer
comes because you realized how useless the idea is

> that should just shut up and listen while you tell them every ridiculous 
> way in which they are wrong and inferior

maybe you should shut up yourself as long
you are hypersensible

> learn to accept that there are a lot of different ways to do things

again: your solution "full query log" is not one
if you can't face the truth this is your problem

> and that sometimes people pick their optimal solution on quite different 
> criteria than the ones you use. 

if someone does not like answers he should not ask questions

> There's More Than One Way To Do It.

full query og is none of them

if it takes SIX hours for your reply in the way you did here
my conclusion is that you recently came home drunken and should
go to bed

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